Welcome to the central hub for our daily experience during STEM camp. We will be exploring a wide variety of projects through our time together this summer. I am looking forward to getting to know you and to learning with you in our STEM classroom.
Welcome to week one where we will explore the outside world. This week will focus on the things around us. When we look outside we can find new ways to do everyday tasks and work with the world around us.
Welcome to week two where we will explore the outside world. This week will focus on all the things that occur in the world. We will focus specifically on the weather that occurs with the Earth, Wind, and Sea. Then we will dive deep into flight and how we can go into space safely.
Welcome to week three where we will explore the outside world. This week will take a new spin on building and structure. By combing the purpose of function we can see how various designs may change to complete the tasks that we need to.
We will spend time everyday coding in the classroom. There are many different projects you can choose to do or you can simply build your coding knowledge by playing the coding games provided.